Resolutions or Bucket List: which one is better?

?? Hey guys! ? This is Sara Scarcelli and HAPPY 2019! With every new year most people take some time to write their resolutions. But others get started on their bucket list! What’s the difference and which one is better? Let’s get started!

A New Year’s Resolutions is a list you can make with promises of things you want to change or improve for the next year.

Now, a bucket list is a list you make of things you wish to do before you die. It can literally be anything you want! For example:

– Get married: casar

– Have kids: ter filhos

– Have grandkids: ter netos

– Swim with the dolphins: nadar com os golfinhos

– Travel around Brazil: viajar pelo Brasil

– Travel to London: Viajar para Londres

– Go backpacking in Europe: fazer mochilão na Europa

– Travel to all the continents in the World: viajar para todos os continentes do mundo

– Go scuba-diving: fazer mergulho

– Hand-glide in Rio de Janeiro: voar de asa-delta no Rio de Janeiro

– Drive a Vespa (motorcycle) in Italy: dirigir de Vespa na Itália

– Go rock climbing: escalar montanhas

– Watch the sunrise from the mountains or from the beach: ver o nascer do sol da montanha ou de uma praia

– Go kayaking: andar de caiaque

– Meet your favorite celebrity: conhecer sua celebridade favorita



Now what would you add to your bucket list? I’m so curious to know! Go ahead and share with me in the comments below! ?

That’s it! I’ll see you next week or everyday on social media! 🙂

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